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Why God’s Rules Matter: How Biblical Boundaries Bring True Freedom

Use God's rule book to set biblical boundaries

Have you ever wondered why football has so many rules? As I watched a recent game, it struck me how similar football rules are to God’s rules in our lives. Just as players must stay within the lines on the field, we, too, must live within the God’s rules God has set for us. Let’s explore this idea further and see how our faith is like a spiritual football game.

The Field of Play

In football, the field is clearly marked with lines defining the play area. Reflecting on this, I realized that God has done the same for us in life. He has mapped out our “field of play” with His moral laws, setting God’s rules to guide us.

“God’s plan. Our place. God’s law. Our lines.”

Just as stepping out of bounds in football results in a penalty, crossing the God’s rules God has drawn for us has consequences. The Bible tells us in Titus 1:15, “To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but even their minds and their conscience are defiled.”

boundaries are part of god's rules

When we ignore God’s rules, our perspective becomes skewed. As Isaiah 5:20 warns, “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

The Supreme Referee

In football, there are seven officials on the field enforcing the rules. But in our spiritual lives, we have just one supreme referee – God Himself. And let me tell you, He never misses a call or makes a bad one.

“God never makes a bad call. His calls are true and righteous, perfect every time, so please don’t bother to challenge His call on the field.”

The Ten Commandments: God’s Playbook

Just as football teams have playbooks, God has given us His playbook in the form of the Ten Commandments. These aren’t just arbitrary rules; they serve a vital purpose in our lives by providing essential God’s rules:

  1. They help us see that God is righteous and holy.
  2. They reveal God’s righteousness and our sinfulness.
  3. They protect our lives, liberties, families, and prosperity.

“God’s rules aren’t designed to restrict you as much as they are to secure you.”

The Indestructibility of God’s Word

Despite countless attempts throughout history to destroy or discredit God’s Word, it remains unchanged and unshakable. As the Bible assures us, “The grass withers, the flower fades. But the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8).

Playing by the God’s Rules

So, how do we apply this to our lives? It’s simple: we play by the book – God’s book. When we live within the God’s rules God has set, we experience a sense of security and peace that surpasses understanding.

“There is a great sense of security that comes from being inside the will of God. Boy, when you know that you’re in the will of God, when you’re playing the game according to His Word, I’m telling you, you can lay your head down on your pillow at night.”

Life Application: Staying In-Bounds

  1. Study God’s playbook: Make reading and meditating on God’s Word a daily habit.
  2. Recognize the referee: Acknowledge God’s authority in your life and submit to His calls.
  3. Stay within the lines: Identify areas where you might be stepping outside God’s rules and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Embrace the team: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and challenge you to stay within God’s rules.
  5. Celebrate the victory: Remember that when we live according to God’s plan, we’re already on the winning team.
depend on one another to follow god's rules

As we wrap up, remember this: “Until we kick off, we play it by the book.” Whether or not you’re a football fan, let’s commit to living within God’s rules. It’s the surest path to victory in what really matters – our relationship with Him.

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