Are you ready for some spiritual football? As millions gear up for the Super Bowl, let’s take a moment to consider a different kind of goal-setting – one that can transform our lives and bring glory to God. As football players dream of winning the big game, we as believers should have dreams and goals aligning with God’s plan for us. But how do we start setting spiritual goals? Let’s huddle up and explore this together.
The Coin Toss: Receiving God’s Word
In football, the game starts with a coin toss. But as children of God, we don’t leave our goals to chance. Instead, we base them on receiving a word from the Lord. As it says in 1 Samuel 17:17-18, “Then Jesse said to his son David, ‘Take now for your brothers an ephah of this dried grain and these ten loaves, and run to your brothers at the camp.'”
Just as David received direction from his father, we need to tune into the voice of our Heavenly Father. He has a plan for each of us, and it’s our job to listen and obey. So, before you set any goals, take time to pray and seek God’s guidance. Ask Him, “What is it, O Heavenly Father, that you desire me to do?”

The Playbook: Five Questions for Setting Spiritual Goals
Now, let’s look at five crucial questions we should ask ourselves when setting spiritual goals that align with God’s will:
1. Why is this important to God?
There’s a big difference between a good goal and a God goal. A godly goal is one that God plants in your heart. When our will blends with God’s will, we become unstoppable. Remember David facing Goliath? He declared, “The Lord will deliver you into my hand” (1 Samuel 17:46). When God inspires the goal, He will help us achieve it, no matter how overwhelming the obstacles may seem. This is the foundation of setting spiritual goals that truly matter.
2. Does this fit into God’s plan for my life?
God doesn’t want you to spread yourself too thin. He wants you to focus on the specific role He has for you. As Jesus said to Martha, Mary had chosen “the good part” by sitting at His feet and listening (Luke 10:42). Are you doing the best thing or just a good thing? Setting spiritual goals requires us to choose wisely and prioritize what aligns with God’s purpose.
3. Is this goal totally in line with God’s Word?
God will never lead you to pursue a goal that contradicts His Word or detracts from your conformity to Christ’s character. Ask yourself: “When I’ve achieved this goal, will I be closer to God and more like Jesus?” Setting spiritual goals means making sure our ambitions lead us into deeper faith and obedience.
4. How might accomplishing this goal bring blessing to Christ?
God wants to place goals in our lives that focus on something bigger than ourselves. As Jesse told David to “run to your brothers,” we should consider how setting spiritual goals can benefit others. Remember, we’re part of a team – the body of Christ. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26).

5. How will this achievement glorify God’s name and build His kingdom?
The end result of all our efforts should be to glorify God. Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). A godly goal holds eternal value and can leave a lasting legacy for God’s kingdom. Setting spiritual goals with a kingdom mindset ensures that our efforts go beyond temporary success and have an eternal impact.
The End Zone: Putting It Into Practice
As we focus on setting spiritual goals, let’s remember that we’re part of God’s team. Here are some practical steps to take:
- Spend time in prayer and Bible study. Ask God to reveal His goals for you.
- Write down the spiritual goals you believe God is giving you.
- Evaluate each goal using the five questions above.
- Share your spiritual goals with a trusted Christian friend or mentor for accountability.
- Take small, consistent steps toward your goals, always relying on God’s strength.
Remember, setting spiritual goals isn’t just about reaching a destination – it’s about how we play the game. God cares more about our character than our achievements. As we pursue His goals, let’s do so in a way that brings glory to His name and builds up His kingdom.
So, are you ready to score a touchdown for God? Let’s get out there and give it our all, knowing that victory is assured with God as our coach. As Paul wrote, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Now that’s a spiritual goal worth pursuing!
To dive deeper into how God’s kingdom and His will should shape our goals, check out this blog post: Spiritual Direction: What Lot’s Wife Teaches Us About Moving Forward in Faith.