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Get in Touch
No matter what is going on in your life, we would be honored to pray for you. Please feel free to contact us.

Contact Info

500 N. High St. Duncannon, PA 17020

(717) 834-3338


Are you seeking clear spiritual direction in today’s complex world? Through the cautionary tale of

unity in the church will solve church challenges

The early church experienced both incredible growth and significant challenges. Acts 6:1-6 paints a vivid

New beginnings sign

A new year is like a new notebook full of blank pages. It allows us

Reaching hand up to Jesus during adversity

Are you struggling to find strength in the face of challenges? Life’s hardships can leave

Joy breaking through the clouds as a beam of light.

We all face moments of deep regret, where we feel the weight of our mistakes

A scroll with an old fashioned feather pen

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of what it means to be one of God’s

Man praying with Bible Prayer life

Are you feeling like your prayers are falling flat? Do you long for a deeper

jonah's powerful prayer

Are you ready to transform your prayer life? Pastor Campbell’s latest sermon, “The Powerful Prayer

70 week prophecy

Welcome to our sermon exploring the profound insights of the 70 Weeks Prophecy as outlined

Welcome to Duncannon Assembly of God’s YouTube channel! We examine truths from Scripture and uncover

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