Let’s be honest—there are things in life that just bug us. People who cut us off in traffic. That one coworker who never stops talking. The unexpected delays, the frustrating situations, the moments that make you want to throw your hands up and shout, “Really, Lord?” But what if I told you those very things—the irritations, the frustrations, the obstacles—aren’t just random nuisances? What if they’re actually pathways to God?
When Irritation Leads to Transformation
In John 9, Jesus encounters a man who had been blind from birth. The disciples, being their usual inquisitive (and sometimes clueless) selves, ask, “Who sinned—this man or his parents—that he was born blind?” They wanted a reason, an explanation, a formula. They were stuck on the how.
But Jesus wasn’t concerned with the how—He was focused on the who. He saw the man not as a theological debate but as someone needing transformation. And in the most unexpected way, Jesus performs a miracle.
Now, let’s talk about His method for a second. Jesus spits on the ground, makes some mud, and smears it on the man’s eyes. That’s… not exactly sanitary. You can almost hear the disciples muttering, “Uh, Jesus… are we sure about this? We’re going to need some hand sanitizer.” But Jesus wasn’t just healing—the miracle carried a message.
Because here’s the thing: irritation often leads to revelation. And revelation often leads us down new pathways to God.
The Irritation That Opens Our Eyes
Think about it—what’s more annoying than getting something in your eye? A tiny speck of dust, an eyelash, even the slightest irritation, and suddenly, you can’t focus on anything else. Your natural instinct is to wash it out.
That’s exactly what Jesus tells the blind man to do. “Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam.” And when he does? His sight is restored.
Let that sink in for a moment. The very thing that irritated him was the thing that led him to his miracle.
Now, let’s bring this a little closer to home. What’s the thing that’s irritating you right now? That one situation that just won’t go away? The problem that keeps nagging at you? Could it be that God is using it as a pathway to Him?
We’re so quick to pray away the things that bother us. Lord, take this away. Lord, make this easier. Lord, fix this now. But what if that irritation is actually an invitation? What if God is allowing it to move you, to change you, to bring you closer to Him? What if your frustration is actually one of those pathways to God?
Interruptions, Irritations, and Divine Direction
God often uses two things to redirect us: interruptions and irritations.
- Interruptions—those moments when life throws something unexpected at us. The flat tire. The job loss. The plan that falls apart.
- Irritations—those situations that persist and won’t go away. The difficult boss. The health struggle. The ongoing financial stress.
Both are divine road signs blinking in bright neon: “This way! Keep moving toward God!”
The blind man didn’t receive his miracle just because Jesus touched him. He received it because he obeyed. He let the irritation push him toward action, and in doing so, he found healing. And that’s exactly how pathways to God work—they push us toward obedience, trust, and faith in ways we never expected.
What’s Bugging You Might Be Blessing You
Let me ask you—what’s bugging you right now? What’s keeping you up at night, making you grind your teeth, pushing you to your limit? Instead of seeing it as a roadblock, what if you started seeing it as a pathway to God?
Maybe that irritating coworker is an opportunity to learn patience. Maybe that financial struggle is a chance to trust God’s provision in a way you never have before. Maybe that difficult relationship is refining you into the person God has called you to be.
We love to talk about wanting to be closer to God, growing in faith, and seeing Him work in our lives. But sometimes, the path to spiritual growth isn’t lined with sunshine and flowers—it’s paved with things that bug us. Those everyday annoyances, those moments of frustration, might just be pathways to God leading us into deeper trust, dependence, and relationship with Him.
Finding Jesus in the Frustrations
Here’s the beautiful part: when you stop focusing on the irritation and start focusing on Jesus, everything changes. The blind man could have stayed stuck, complaining about the mud on his eyes. Instead, he moved in obedience and found his sight.
Some of us are walking around spiritually blind, all because we won’t let God use the things that irritate us. We’re busy complaining when we should be listening. We’re trying to avoid the discomfort when we should let it push us into His presence.
So, here’s your challenge: Stop asking “why” and start asking “who.”
Who is in control? Jesus.
Who sees the bigger picture? Jesus.
Who can turn your irritation into transformation? Jesus.
Let Your Irritation Lead You to Your Miracle
If you’re waiting for everything in life to be smooth and frustration-free before you trust God, you’re going to be waiting a long time. Life is messy. People are frustrating. Challenges are real.
But Jesus is greater. And when you stop resisting and start recognizing that your irritation might just be an invitation to something deeper, you’ll find that it’s not about how—it’s about who.
So go ahead—let the irritation push you. Let the frustration drive you. Let the difficulty lead you. Because behind every struggle, there’s a Savior waiting.
And in the end, every irritation is just another one of those pathways to God.
Now go find those irritations in your life… and let them lead you straight to finding Jesus.
Want to hear more about the effects irritations can have on your relationship with God? Listen to, read, or watch the sermon Behind Every How There’s a Who: Finding Jesus in Life’s Irritations