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The Compassion of Christ: How Jesus Sees the Broken

Have you ever found yourself avoiding eye contact with someone in need? Maybe you’ve pretended to adjust the radio or clean your windshield at a stoplight, hoping the person holding a sign on the corner won’t notice you. I know I have. But what if, in looking away, we’re missing an opportunity to reflect the compassion of Christ?

While driving through downtown Harrisburg, I recently noticed a man standing on a street corner. As I sat at the red light, I struggled with whether to acknowledge him. Then, I felt God nudging me: “Would you take a moment and truly see him?”

Seeing Through Christ’s Eyes

In John 9:1, we read, “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.” Jesus didn’t ignore him. He truly saw him. That single act of recognition set the stage for a miraculous transformation.

Too often, we act like the disciples in this story. They saw the blind man as a theological discussion point rather than someone needing mercy. Or we mirror the neighbors who dismissed him as a burden to society. But Jesus calls us to a different perspective—one shaped by His compassion.

The Power of Acknowledgment

Taking the time to truly see someone can be transformative. I remember an experience in St. Augustine, Florida. As I waited outside a shop, I found myself directly across from a man sitting on the ground with a can. At first, I tried to avoid eye contact. But then, I looked at him.

To my surprise, he spoke: “You know, hundreds of people pass me by every day, and very few even acknowledge me. I just want to thank you for seeing me.” That simple act of acknowledgment meant more to him than I could have imagined.

Overcoming Our Excuses

We can always find reasons not to help:

  • “It might be a scam.”
  • “I don’t have enough to make a difference.”
  • “There are programs for that.”

But the compassion of Christ moves beyond excuses. It calls us to act, even in small ways. As a church and individuals, we must ask: Are we truly seeing the hurting people around us, or are we simply passing them by?

Becoming Vessels of Christ’s Compassion

When we begin to see others through the compassion of Christ, extraordinary things happen. We become channels of His love and provision. Jesus said, “My Father is always working” (John 5:17). If we want to understand His heart, we need to join Him in His work.

Putting Christ’s Compassion into Action

How can we cultivate Christ’s compassion in our daily lives?

  1. Pray for open eyes – Ask God to help you truly see those around you, especially the overlooked and marginalized.
  2. Make eye contact – Instead of looking away, acknowledge people’s humanity with a smile, nod, or greeting.
  3. Start small – You don’t have to fix everything. A kind word, a bottle of water, or a few dollars can make a difference.
  4. Be creative – Look for practical ways to meet needs, like the woman who bought pizza for a struggling family.
  5. Trust God’s provision – Don’t let fear of limited resources stop you. When we step out in faith, God multiplies our efforts.

Jesus demonstrated His compassion by giving—ultimately, by giving His life. “For God so loved the world that He gave” (John 3:16). When we embrace the compassion of Christ, we start seeing people differently. We stop hoarding and start giving, allowing God’s love to flow through us to a hurting world.

Let’s challenge ourselves to lift our eyes from distractions and see the people around us. Who knows what difference we might make in someone’s life today?

Jesus wants us to show love and compassion to the world. Read more about showing love in this blog post: The Power of Living Differently: Being the Beacon of Jesus’ Love

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